Thesis Topics

VisionLab Will Help You Choose Thesis Topic and Supervision

VisionLab provides students with the supervision of bachelor’s and master’s theses focused on topics related to the measurement of deformations using optical measuring systems based on the digital image correlation technique.


The thesis topics are inspired by contemporary problems solved in engineering practice and the unexplored areas of DIC technique application. Theses are supervised not only by professional lecturers of the institute, but also by industrial specialists and developers.


Thesis topics are not definite and may be adapted according to the students’ research focus or student-submitted topic suggestions.

Bachelor's Thesis Topics

1. Application of the digital image correlation in the measurement of strain field around drilled hole

2. Analysis of essential factors affecting the precision of digital image correlation measurement

3. Analysis of imperfections influence on the stress-strain state of the tensile test sample utilizing computational modeling and digital image correlation

4. Design of a test rig for biaxial tension loading of small specimens

5. Analysis of the possibility of using the DIC method for non-standard materials

6. Scanning and evaluation of a patient's hand with Dupuytren's contracture

Master's Thesis Topics

1. Determining residual stress from the deformation field in the vicinity of drilled hole

2. Use of the DIC technique for measuring residual stresses by the hole drilling method

3. Design of synchronization electronics for measuring periodic events using the DIC technique and artificial intelligence

4. FEM simulation of deformation measurement using the potential drop technique to identify possible uses in engineering applications

5. Numerical analysis of measured long-term deformations using the potential drop technique and its basic analytical assumptions to identify limits in resolution and accuracy